Mr. Marks's 8th Grade Page

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you grade?

I grade on a point system. Grades are calculated by dividing a student’s total earned points by the total points possible. This is turned into a percentage, and the percentage is translated into a letter grade. Here is a list of possible grades:

100% = A+ 93% – 99% = A 90% – 92% = A-
87% – 89% = B+ 83% – 86% = B 80% – 82% = B-
77% – 79% = C+ 73% – 76% = C 70% – 72% = C-
67% – 69% = D+ 63% – 66% = D 60% – 62% = D-
59% and below = F

Grades are based on homework, writing assignments, projects, and are heavily weighted on the side of quizzes and tests. Doing homework is essential for passing quizzes and tests.

What materials are used in class?

  • A fully charged Chromebook to be used daily.
  • White binder paper – 8 1/2 x 11 college rule
  • Black ballpoint pens only
  • Two glue sticks
  • One set of eight colored pencils
  • # 2 pencils or cheap mechanical pencils with erasers
  • White-out tape (no liquid White-out please)
  • A yellow highlighter

What is your policy on late work?

Assignments are collected daily. Work must be turned in with a complete heading and title by the start of your first class with Mr. Marks. Maximum scores for late work in Core:

Type of Work 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade
Regular work 70% 60% 50%
Large Projects or assignments worth over 100


70% 70% 70%
Missing work will have a 0 in the gradebook until submitted and graded.

Teacher discretion applies. Get teacher permission to submit anything over a week old. No late assignments will be accepted during grading week at the end of each semester. 

By what process should I make up work due to an absence?

It is your responsibility to make up late work due to an absence. Mr. Marks will not remind you that the work needs to be done. You should check the homework page, ask a fellow student, or ask Mr. Marks what needs to be done if it is not clear. You have up to seven days to make up work if your absence is from an illness or family emergency. After that time, department policy for late work will apply. In addition, if you are aware of an assignment’s due date, and you are absent for reasons other than illness or family emergency, it is expected that you will have the work completed by the day you return, and be prepared to take any of the tests or quizzes for that week.

Do you offer extra credit?

No extra credit assignments will be given.

Do you offer test or quiz retakes?

Department policy states that there will be no retakes of any kind.

If I do poorly on an assignment, may I resubmit it?

No work may be resubmitted. I may allow rare exceptions under unusual circumstances.

When do you give major tests (tests that likely take at least a half hour to complete)?

Major tests will usually be given Thursdays or Fridays. Quizzes can be given any day of the school week.

When do you read your email?

I read my email during the school day before 3:30 pm. I generally do not read my email after 3:30 pm or on weekends. Do not expect to get a timely reply from me if you email me after 3:30 pm or on the weekends. I will try to get to your email either the next day or Monday after the weekend.